⇓We’re delighted to share that our laboratory made two appearances at English conferences. We had two fantastic occasions where our leader Zdeněk Kameník presented a poster about our ground-breaking bioinformatics tool, CluSeek. The first time was at the Directing Biosynthesis VII conference in Birmigham, and the second was in Coventry where he met together with two of his PhD students, Lada Hanzlíková and Michaela Plechatá. We were thrilled to attend the Chemistry & Biology of Natural Products symposium XVII at the University of Warwick, where Lada H. gave an inspiring presentation on the use of CluSeek in the search for biosynthetic clusters in a presentation called ‘CluSeek-based genome mining reveals biosynthesis of a new variant of 4-alkyl-L-proline moiety in anticancer lucentamycins’. Michaela P. also had a poster dedicated to her PhD thesis on new boactive compounds.
See some pictures from the Coventry in the gallery in the next ⇒ window. And poster about CluSeek is bellow. ⇓